5 Reasons Coworking Makes Sense for Startups

At The Coop, we see businesses of all shapes and sizes. One of our favorite types of businesses to support are start-ups and businesses in their infancy because it can be very fulfilling to watch and help someone grow their business from an idea into a full-time gig....

Why People Thrive in Coworking Spaces

A Diverse Work Environment Is Great for Standing Out In a coworking space like The Coop, there is a diverse ecosystem of business professionals with very little industry overlap. This means that coworking members are seen as the go-to people in their industry among...
The Benefits of Coworking

The Benefits of Coworking

Coworking is an arrangement in which people who work at home or in small companies use the same coworking space to share ideas, knowledge, and experience. Many find the benefits of coworking fit well with their lifestyle and work arrangements more than a traditional...
The Hidden Costs in Working From Home

The Hidden Costs in Working From Home

Javier E. David thinks there are hidden costs in working from home. So do I. The home office was coworking’s biggest competition pre-Covid. That’s where the solopreneurs are. Work from home is a way to save money on a physical office and, until recently, the concept...